All Things Mend with Time

I treasured the little Hummel figure. He sat on my mother’s shelf for many years – she did not have a lot of expensive trinkets, but this was one that she cherished. He was a symbol of love in all its simplicity, sweetness and purity. After my mother died, it was one of the physical memories that I took with me.
About a year ago I noticed that the Hummel figure had disappeared from my shelf. I assumed it was a mysterious casualty from a dusting venture and although it broke my heart when I realized it was gone, I forced myself to reckon with the fact that it just a physical object and that it represented something inside of me that could not be erased. Still I thought about it….
Like many things waiting to be rediscovered, the little boy reappeared.
As I was preparing for the new year with a little dusting, I noticed something strange behind the television set. Not generally one for deep cleaning, I decided that this was deserving of closer exploration. With more than a little effort, I moved the television aside to find the little boy – shattered into too many pieces to count.
As I saw him my heart shattered, freshly opening the hole in my heart.
I carefully gathered all of the pieces – not sure of what I would do with them, but certain that I couldn’t throw them away. I put the jumbled pile on a table and uncertainly studied it each day. Each time I passed the pile, I touched the fragments of his wholeness wondering how I could ever repair something that is so broken.
As the reality of his broken state settled in, I became more certain that something could be done to repair this broken little boy. I noticed that some of the pieces were bigger than others and that perhaps there were still enough strong pieces in this little guy to rebuild him so that he could stand again.
I found a tube of glue and started to put him back together – one piece at a time. As I started to match the pieces, I was never sure that he was going to be “all there” again. More than once, I considered whether it was possible to repair something that was clearly so broken. And with each little piece, my heart began to mend as well.
To my delight, there were enough pieces for him to stand on his own two feet. He is not perfect by traditional standards – and yet he is more perfect than ever. If you look closely, you will see the cracks that came from his journey. Although it is tempting to conceal the cracks that reveal that he was once broken, I realize that they represent the important part of his journey – and mine – and yours.
All things mend with time. Like the little Hummel boy, repairing ourselves takes time and patience. With time, all things are mended – if we allow them to be.
Have strength as you travel on your journey – whatever it may be. All is well. You are loved.
© Kathy Sturgis, Ph.D. Kathy is founder of Refreshment Zone and is an organizational and personal development specialist with a doctorate in communication. Contact for more information on motivational programs.