Pick a Simple Project to Complete

This morning as I was getting ready for work, I saw 10 unfinished projects that need to be completed (one is pictured here - putting the toilet paper on the holder was one that I had been staring at for days).
It may seem simple, but completing a few little tasks got my day off to a great start today!
I put the Q-Tips that were laying all over my sink into the holder.
I put away the Neosporin.
I put away the dishes that were in the sink.
I closed the cabinet doors after I opened them (that one makes my husband feel better).
I even put my socks away!
The little things add up and tackling a few small, high reward "projects" can reinvigorate your day!
What's a task that is staring at you in your office today? At home?
It should be that project that takes a few seconds or a minute to complete.
Test it out and feel the relief wash over you. Do it now. Tackle the unfinished project. You got this. ~Kathy