Random Acts of Kindness

Thank you for random acts of kindness ~ they are some of the most important work we do in this world.
I was feeling low energy and decided to jump start my Monday with a walk this morning. Random acts turned my day around.
I finished the walk with a handful of figs and an invitation to Switzerland - both from neighbors I don't know very well. Just nice people in the world.
Thanks for small kindnesses you share each day (a smile, a fig, a kind word, an invitation, etc.).
Whose day will you turn around today? I'll bet you already have.
That is what we're here for - that is a good day's work.
© Kathy Sturgis, Ph.D. Kathy is founder of Refreshment Zone and is an organizational and personal development specialist with a doctorate in communication. Contact kathy@refreshmentzone.com for more information on motivational programs.