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We empower you to reconnect with your purpose, power and passion.

We deliver a limited number of signature programs to the general public throughout the year. These presentations and teleseminars focus on universal topics that can enhance your professional and personal life (e.g. career/life balance, communication, managing transition, leadership, etc.). The motivational programs will jumpstart your week, your month and your year.  

January / April

Gift Discovery Retreat

Sunday, April 17, 2016

9 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.

MacGregor Downs Country Club Cary, NC

Spring is a time of renewal, growth and beauty. Come spend a day with us and discover what makes you sparkle!


Gifts are the innate qualities, talents, abilities and sensibilities that make you special. They are meant to be opened, embraced and shared. Start the year by rediscovering your skills, passions, gifts and purpose.


At our retreat, you’ll love….


  • Increasing your awareness of your innate gifts, talents and sensibilities

  • Exploring your gifts through guided activities and exercises

  • Discovering the connection between gifts and life purpose

  • Receiving a “Gift Discovery Workbook” to utilize throughout the year

  • Creating goals and an action plan for utilizing your gifts

  • Experiencing an energetic, optimistic, thought-provoking and productive day


Join the Refreshment Zone team for this gift-receiving experience which takes inspiration from our founder, Dr. Kathy Sturgis, who has written extensively on this topic. She is joined by her creative team ~ Kay Jamison, Kimberly Lowe and Aleece Spalding ~ who bring inspiration, energy and wisdom to the program.


Gifts are meant to be opened. Your purpose is waiting to be reinvigorated. Find your next steps with us.


Who Should Attend?

This workshop is ideal if you are feeling stuck, are looking for new direction or are in the midst of work/life transition (e.g., empty nest, career change, job loss, work dissatisfaction, graduation, retirement, etc.).


Make yourself a priority this spring! Find your next steps with us.


Subscribe to receive a discount code for special savings!

February Power Hour - Teleseminar

Relationship Revival: Creating Momentum for Positive Change

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

9 - 10 a.m. and 4 - 5 p.m. (EST)

When it comes to communication, a subtle change can have a huge impact. “Relationship Revival” is designed to help you identify clear and simple actions that you can take to increase your own level of happiness and positively impact the people around you.


Find some peace as we discuss simple strategies for moving from stuck to unstuck in any relationship. The material we will cover will help you create momentum for positive change at work and in other settings.


During this program you’ll discover:

  • 4 relationship truths to bring positive perspective to all your relationships

  • The positive reasons for negative relationships

  • Strategies for removing the "drama" from relationships

  • 3 choices for moving relationships from stuck to unstuck

  • The definition of "productive control" and how to apply it

  • Simple strategies for protecting your energy when challenging relationships present themselves


February is the perfect month to revive your relationships.

•   Move that difficult relationship from stuck to unstuck!

•   Identify ways to make strong relationships even stronger!

•   Take a proactive step to make relationships stronger in all areas of your life!


Grab a piece of chocolate and a cup of coffee. Enjoy this program from the comfort of your own home/office. Register now and take advantage of this opportunity to revive your relationships!



March Power Hour - Teleseminar


Conquering Obstacles: Strength Training for Work and Life


Wednesday, March 16, 2016

9-10 a.m. and 4-5 p.m. (EST)


If you find a path with no obstacles,

it probably doesn't lead anywhere.

~Frank A. Clark~

Reinvigorate yourself from the comfort of your own home with this signature strength training program from Refreshment Zone. The topic? Identifying and conquering obstacles.


An obstacle is something or someone that hinders our forward motion toward a goal. We'll take a humorous look at some universal obstacles that get in our way and discuss simple strategies for removing them. We'll also invite a fresh look at obstacles by revealing their positive purpose. As a takeaway, you will receive handouts and materials that will reinforce key material and outline your next steps for moving forward in your career and/or in your personal life. 


Join us via teleseminar. Grab your coffee and get ready to stretch your mind in this Refreshment Zone strength training program.



Nonprofit Transformation:

A Leader's Guide to Visioning, Planning and Goal Achievement


Saturday, May 14, 2016

9 a.m. - 1 p.m. 

Raleigh, NC

What do successful nonprofit leaders do? This seminar will lead you through some best practices in nonprofit transformation that you and your leadership team can apply in the coming year.


As a result of attending this seminar, you’ll be motivated and empowered to:


  • Identify and embrace your unique leadership strengths

  • Articulate your specific leadership vision

  • Delegate and recruit the “right” people who will help you make the dream a reality

  • Assess systems, processes, structures and culture while building collective vision

  • Establish a plan for addressing key priorities and building sustainable structures

  • Determine realistic goals and next steps


Join the Refreshment Zone team for an empowering day of possibility thinking. The seminar will be led by Dr. Kathy Sturgis who brings extensive background and experience in organizational development and communication as well as expertise in nonprofit leadership and planning. In addition to her “on the ground” experience as a civic leader, she has served nonprofits at the local, national and international levels for 25+ years. Seminar material will be energized and expanded by the Refreshment Zone team, Kay Jamison, Aleece Spalding and Kim Lowe who bring a wealth of professional and nonprofit experience. All have served catalytic roles in a number of nonprofit organizations.

Who should attend? This seminar is a must-attend for volunteer leaders and board members who will be stepping into a new leadership role in 2016. The material is ideal for nonprofit board members and volunteer leaders in many settings (church leaders, school leaders, etc.).


Lunch is included.


Join us for this catalytic day.


Great things are ahead for you.

Stay tuned!

...creating momentum for positive change

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...creating momentum for positive change

© 2024 Kathy Sturgis, PhD
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