What's unfolding for you? New beginnings are not just for January - we are all in the midst of new beginnings and I'm glad you're here.
So many of you are bringing beauty, courage, patience and kindness to this time. You are engaging in conversations that matter - in your organizations, homes, and communities.
Wherever you are today - I hope you find a moment of peace and/or an idea to implement.
Here's a link to a recent newsletter to support your success - it's titled Running without Direction. Each newsletter is unique and highlights a refreshment message for the week/month. It's our Motivational Minute and I hope you enjoy! Subscribe for a burst of refreshment!
This website is intended to refresh you from the inside out - while also highlighting ways that I can support you through consulting and/or coaching.
Your transformation is my passion. Let me know how I can assist you in your new beginning.
We all need a lift - I hope you find it here.
Kathy Sturgis, PhD
CEO & Founder Refreshment Zone

Kathy Sturgis, PhD
Founder, Refreshment Zone
Organizational & Personal
Development Specialist
SoulCollage® Facilitator

Kathy & Logan
Logan reminds me that we are not one thing or another - we are journeys, work, play, and so much more - this site embraces the simple complexity of it all.