
Master the Off-Road
Ever get thrown unexpectedly onto the off-road of life? I have. It can be an exhilarating or mind-numbing experience. It’s a time when we...

Invite New Beginnings
Invite new beginnings - spring is a perfect time to let go of the old and embrace the new. Invite a fresh start to relationships, to work...

Works in Progress
Spring reminds me of the beautiful work that happens behind the scenes - often down deep inside of us. When we think of our own growth...

Embrace Yourself
Nourish yourself with positive "I ams." We created this as a gift for a team we recently worked with - it did so much for us to record...

Time is Now
Whatever it is you're manifesting - the time is now. First you must believe it's possible. Take 5 minutes to envision it. What does it...

Bring It
May every relationship in your life be one in which you say to yourself: "My relationship with you is so important to me that I promise...

Listen to Drama with Love
Drama is a form of expression that can drain us. When I involve myself in drama, it usually stems from a place of imbalance within...

What's Your Magic?
This is the month to fall in LOVE with what you DO. Work can be "work" but you have innate gifts and talents you bring with you every day...

Forward Motion
Life is always folding in two paths - melding together. We walk the present and reach for the future - both in motion at the same time....

It is tempting to compare ourselves with others. Others seem to "have it together" - and we might feel "less than." If you have ever felt...