
Regenerating a Low Power Mode
Today my phone told me it was going into "low power" mode. I am grateful for the inventors of the program that helps my phone select the...

Created For You
A few years ago, I had a dream of combining music with messages of hope - this was my first production. At that time, Morten Lauridsen's...

Imagine the Stars
Imagine an awakening - this is what it must feel like to see the stars for the first time. The closing word is "majesty." Let yourself...

Calm in the Storm
Serene music can assist in calming anxiety. These are times when a little serenity and balance may help calm the internal waters of our...

Find Your Balance
There are so many voices - these voices help us stay proactive and informed but, for me, it is tempting to listen more than I should - as...

Let Your Love Be Heard
With uncertainty surrounding us with silence and noise - let your love be heard. Find your balance - we need your love, your wisdom and...

Reflect on Positive Moments
What have been your moments of expansion (i.e., moments that have stretched you in ways that you could not have imagined). These moments...

Rest with Nature
In this beautiful time-lapse photography, Louie Schwartzberg explores the beauty of pollination. Watch hummingbirds, bats and - yes -...

Butterfly Whispers: Past the Screened Porch
Happiness is like a butterfly - the more you chase it, the more it eludes - but if you turn your attention to other things, it comes and...

Reimagine Next Steps
Spring is here. Winter is the perfect time to cocoon, reflect and prepare for the future. I raise butterflies and have watched as they...