
Resist Resistance
I often hear leaders say, "That will never work." This type of certainty is based on data collected in the past. The sentiment can make...

Bring Your Miracle into Alignment
I'm in a summer state of mind at the beach - I hope the summer promises some rest time for you too. (Create a vacation in your mind as...

Embrace Yourself
Nourish yourself with positive "I ams." We created this as a gift for a team we recently worked with - it did so much for us to record...

Time is Now
Whatever it is you're manifesting - the time is now. First you must believe it's possible. Take 5 minutes to envision it. What does it...

Getting Out of the Way
Manifestation is allowance. Some messages I frequently receive include "get out of the way" - "stop thinking" - "allow". Like you, I am...

The Secret of Daily Manifestation
Manifestation is a daily practice. While we often reserve manifestation for larger goals, we can utilize it on the little things in our...

We find our vision by answering two questions: (1) Where am I now? (2) Where would I like to be? Whether it is personal or organizational...